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English IB PYP Tutor

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Company Description

Filo is the world’s only live instant tutoring app that connects students with expert tutors for 1-1 interactive video sessions in less than 60 seconds. With over 1.5 million students across 15+ countries and 50,000+ tutors, Filo is the largest community of tutors globally. The company is focused on democratizing education and making quality learning accessible to every student worldwide.

Role Description

This is a part-time remote role as an English IB PYP Tutor at Filo. The tutor will be responsible for providing English teaching, online tutoring, and communication to students in 1-1 interactive video sessions. The role involves helping students with English grammar and facilitating their learning process.

  • English Teaching and English Grammar skills
  • Experience in Online Tutoring and Tutoring
  • Strong communication skills
  • Ability to engage and motivate students
  • Understanding of the IB PYP curriculum is a plus
  • Bachelor's degree in English, Education, or related field
Company Description

Filo is the world’s only live instant tutoring app that connects students with expert tutors for 1-1 interactive video sessions in less than 60 seconds. With over 1.5 million students across 15+ countries and 50,000+ tutors, Filo is the largest community of tutors globally. The company is focused on democratizing education and making quality learning accessible to every student worldwide.

Role Description

This is a part-time remote role as an English IB PYP Tutor at Filo. The tutor will be responsible for providing English teaching, online tutoring, and communication to students in 1-1 interactive video sessions. The role involves helping students with English grammar and facilitating their learning process.

  • English Teaching and English Grammar skills
  • Experience in Online Tutoring and Tutoring
  • Strong communication skills
  • Ability to engage and motivate students
  • Understanding of the IB PYP curriculum is a plus
  • Bachelor's degree in English, Education, or related field