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Online:- Teacher

Salary undisclosed

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Company Description

Filo is the world’s only live instant tutoring app where students are connected with expert tutors in less than 60 seconds for 1-1, interactive video sessions. With over 50,000 tutors, Filo is the largest community of tutors globally and serves more than 1.5 million students across 15+ countries. The company's mission is to democratize education and make quality learning accessible for every student worldwide.

Role Description

This is a part-time remote role for an Online Tutor at Filo. The Online Tutor will engage in interactive video sessions with students to explain, help, and solve academic challenges. They will provide real-time assistance to students and ensure their learning needs are met promptly.


  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills
  • Expertise in the subject area of tutoring
  • Ability to explain complex concepts in a simple manner
  • Patience and empathy towards students' learning difficulties
  • Experience in online tutoring or teaching
  • Fluency in multiple languages is a plus
  • Enrolled in or holds a degree in education or related field