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PT Victoria Insurance Tbk

Founded by : Suwandi Suharto, 1 January 1978

Surabaya, Indonesia
More than 250 employees

About the Company

PT Victoria Insurance Tbk is an Indonesian-based insurance company that offers various insurance products and services, including property and casualty insurance, health insurance, and life insurance. The company was established in 1996 and is headquartered in Jakarta, Indonesia. PT Victoria Insurance Tbk operates through a network of branches and agents across the country. The company aims to provide tailored insurance solutions for individuals, businesses, and institutions. In addition to its insurance offerings, PT Victoria Insurance Tbk also offers financial planning and risk management services to its clients. The company has received several awards for its outstanding performance and service delivery in the insurance industry.

Industry Type

According to the GICS (Global Industry Classification Standard) version of March 2023, PT Victoria Insurance Tbk’s industry classification falls within the following categories:
  • Sector: Financials
  • Industry group: Insurance
  • Industry: Insurance
  • Sub-Industry: Multi-line Insurance
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Company Address

Gedung Bank Victoria Lt. 3 Jalan Raya Darmo No. 173 Surabaya

Source : Google maps