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PT Trimitra Prawara Goldland Tbk

Founded by : Yoyo Sugeng Triyogo, 1 January 2015

Kota Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
More than 250 employees

About the Company

PT Trimitra Prawara Goldland Tbk is an Indonesian-based gold mining company that operates in the province of North Sulawesi. The company primarily engages in the exploration, mining, processing, and refining of gold ore, as well as the sale of gold bullion and gold-based products. Established in 1990, PT Trimitra Prawara Goldland Tbk has a portfolio of mining assets, including the Toka Tindung gold mine, which is one of the largest gold deposits in North Sulawesi. The company is committed to sustainable mining practices and community development initiatives, including education, health, and environmental programs.

Industry Type

According to the GICS (Global Industry Classification Standard) version of March 2023, PT Trimitra Prawara Goldland Tbk’s industry classification falls within the following categories:
  • Sector: Materials
  • Industry group: Materials
  • Industry: Metals & Mining
  • Sub-Industry: Precious Metals & Minerals
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Company Address

Jalan Anggur 1 No 2, Cipete Selatan, Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan

Source : Google maps

Latest Job Openings

7d ago

Project Manager
PT Trimitra Prawara Goldland Tbk

Kota Bogor, Indonesia

Full Time, onsite, onsite

Salary undisclosed

7d ago

Staff Finance Accounting
PT Trimitra Prawara Goldland Tbk

Jakarta, Indonesia

Full Time, onsite, onsite

Salary undisclosed