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PT Radana Bhaskara Finance Tbk

Founded by : Grup Tiara Marga Trakindo, 1 January 2014

Kota Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
More than 250 employees

About the Company

PT Radana Bhaskara Finance Tbk is an Indonesian-based company that primarily operates in the consumer financing industry. Established in 2003, the company provides a range of financing services including leasing, factoring, credit card services, and working capital loans. With a focus on serving the middle to lower economic segments of the Indonesian market, Radana has over 200 branch offices across the country. The company has also received recognition for its financial performance, with awards such as the Best Non-Bank Financial Company by Alpha Southeast Asia and Indonesia's Most Admired Companies by Warta Ekonomi.

Industry Type

According to the GICS (Global Industry Classification Standard) version of March 2023, PT Radana Bhaskara Finance Tbk’s industry classification falls within the following categories:
  • Sector: Financials
  • Industry group: Financial Services
  • Industry: Consumer Finance
  • Sub-Industry: Consumer Finance
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Company Address

Jalan TB Simatupang, Cibis Nine Building 11th Floor Suite W-16, Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta 12560, ID

Source : Google maps

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8d ago

Budgeting & Reporting
PT Radana Bhaskara Finance Tbk

Area DKI Jakarta, Indonesia

Full Time, onsite, onsite

Salary undisclosed