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PT Hagihara Westjava Industries

Founded by : Tadayoshi Oguro, 19 January 2011

Karawang, Indonesia
More than 5000 employees

About the Company

PT. HAGIHARA WESTJAVA INDUSTRIES (HWI) was established in November 1995. Specializing in the manufacturing and sale of paper sacks, jumbo bags, and finished goods made from flat polyolefin yarn and non-woven cloth monofilament, our company operates with a capital of ten million US dollars. Our capital stems from contributions from Hagihara Industries Inc. Japan, fabweld co Ltd, and Multisarana Bahteramandiri. Our products are not only marketed in Indonesia but also in Japan, Asia, and Europe.

Industry Type

According to the GICS (Global Industry Classification Standard) version of March 2023, PT Hagihara Westjava Industries’s industry classification falls within the following categories:
  • Sector: Materials
  • Industry group: Materials
  • Industry: Containers & Packaging
  • Sub-Industry: Paper & Plastic Packaging Products & Materials
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Company Address

Kawasan Industri KIIC Jl. Maligi I Lot B1, Karawang 41361, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

Source : Google maps