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PT Emdeki Utama TBK

Founded by : PT Metropolitan Development, 1 January 1981

Kabupaten Gresik, Indonesia
More than 250 employees

About the Company

PT Emdeki Utama Tbk is a publicly traded company in Indonesia that operates in the manufacturing and trading of plastic packaging products. The company's products include polyethylene bags, garbage bags, stretch films, and other plastic packaging products. PT Emdeki Utama Tbk has a strong market presence both domestically and internationally, and has established partnerships with various companies in Southeast Asia, Europe, and the United States. The company's commitment to sustainability is demonstrated through its adoption of eco-friendly production processes and efforts to minimize waste. With a focus on innovation and quality control, PT Emdeki Utama Tbk is a leading player in the plastic packaging industry.

Industry Type

According to the GICS (Global Industry Classification Standard) version of March 2023, PT Emdeki Utama TBK’s industry classification falls within the following categories:
  • Sector: Materials
  • Industry group: Materials
  • Industry: Paper & Forest Products
  • Sub-Industry: Paper Products
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Company Address

Jalan Raya Krikilan Nomor 294, RT 011, RW 005, Driyorejo, Gresik, 61177, Jawa Timur, Indonesia

Source : Google maps