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PT Cahayasakti Investindo Sukses Tbk

Founded by : Au Bintoro, 1 January 1995

Kota Bogor, Indonesia
More than 250 employees

About the Company

PT Cahayasakti Investindo Sukses Tbk is an investment holding company based in Indonesia. The company operates in various sectors such as property development, construction, manufacturing, and trading. They specialize in building and managing modern industrial estates, commercial properties, and residential towers in the country. The company was founded in 1996 and went public in 2011. They have received several awards for their contributions to the property industry and have successfully completed numerous projects across Indonesia. With a focus on sustainable development and innovation, PT Cahayasakti Investindo Sukses Tbk aims to continue driving growth in their respective industries.

Industry Type

According to the GICS (Global Industry Classification Standard) version of March 2023, PT Cahayasakti Investindo Sukses Tbk’s industry classification falls within the following categories:
  • Sector: Real Estate
  • Industry group: Equity Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
  • Industry: Specialized REITs
  • Sub-Industry: Other Specialized REITs
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Company Address

Jalan Kaum Sari No. 1, Kedung Halang Talang Bogor; West Java 16151

Source : Google maps